Monday, July 31, 2006
9:31 PM
try this
an intelligence test.
interesting. (:
and for those who think they are smarter or have completed the above,
then here

enjoy. those who do try it..let me know okay? am still stumped on some..):

Saturday, July 29, 2006
2:57 AM
sometimes even i am amazed at my own stupidity
and its official, i hate the ave 10 carpark
went for supper and left the head lights on
as a result, the car batteries died and i couldnt start the blasted engine

thank you to my two gallant knights in white who offered all assistance despite weariness screaming out from every inch of their tired bodies.
heartfelt gratitude and appreciation.

today i learnt a new life skill- how to jump start a car. 

Friday, July 28, 2006
11:36 AM
i need to get my bike license
ridings insane.
in love. (:

intoxicated by the night
high on the wind
for that moment racing down on black tarmac
the sight made me hold my breath
tiny lights dotted the tall bulidings
clustered together in rise and fall
struggling and competing to reach the sky
trees on a jungle's edge
and that soft warm orange glow
shimmering sparks on the dark waters surface
for the first time i was won over by the immense beauty of my country.

lunch and pirates (finally! shows disappointing. loved johnny depp though) with my food whore. 
its funny how life always brings you full circle and you are back laughing over shashimi and ice cream with that same face you knew so well when once you were a little girl in blue frocks and bangs.
so we're both older, taller, with more hair *winks and our tastes have definitely evolved from colourful sugar biscuits
but time has been kind to us to allow such a fortunate reunion among friends.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
12:29 PM

you simply get swept up in that world of decadence radiating in sensual and sexual energy.
lost in its blinding lights
drowned by melodious voices and captivated by visually stimulating images.
feasting my eyes on an all too amazing 46 year old man.
(lijie he's not 50 can breathe a little)

preview cabaret.

Sunday, July 23, 2006
12:31 PM

gifts from australia.
thanks meng
i love my carebear shirt.
layout to match.

Saturday, July 22, 2006
10:36 PM
simply because.

Thursday, July 20, 2006
11:13 PM
i wanna run to the edge of the ocean and scream my lungs out
jump down from the edge of the cliff straight into clear blue water
savouring the drop and the burst of cold that englufs me as i impact the sea and sink into her belly

i wanna run into a china shop and smash every delicate piece hearing the pieces shatter break away and fall to the floor

or perhaps
i just need one run round the track
the ancient trains chugging along
blowing off steam and sounding their horns. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
12:42 AM
grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change
the courage to change the things i can
and the wisdom to know the difference.

theres always a reason
an excuse that we give ourselves for our actions
a rationale so that our behaviour is justifiable.
but at the end of the day
can we really live with the choices we make?

Friday, July 14, 2006
9:24 PM
today is just getting progressively fucking worse.
i just scratched my ipod screen trying to put the screen protector on
its not minor
i think i clawed the entire damn thing or something
what a freaking irony
and i am devestated.

shes still being a bitch so fuck that too.
and i made a special effort to stay at home tonight.
i gave up fright-night for this shit.

i cant function.

5:51 PM
if one goes for a buffet, you can be almost certain that you will end up over eating.
an annoying voice is your head seems to be nagging at you
reminding you that you are obliged to eat your money's worth
and so you go on pushing past the "comfortably full" limit so that you dont waste the hefty amount that you paid.
and so you end up eating way more than you can handle and feeling stuffed.

you never listen
you never hear.
you see what you want to
and i am simply pushing up against the brick wall.
i will always be the selfish ungrateful bitch that doesnt give a shite about anything.
youre not the one holding on to two jobs with the prospect of a whole year or school ahead of you.
you think its so fucking easy.
try living my life.
i dont take anything from you.
so why wont you just leave me alone
thanks for spoiling my day

life's so much easier when we're half asleep and fighting over the blanket and pillows
limps in a heap
lost in the world of cotten sheets.
cruising down the streets
orange glow of the street lamps guide us on our way
and we're laughing
with the wind in our faces

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
11:47 PM
my timetable is being a bitch.
and i have no idea just what to do about it.
ceased to worry about if i get a decent schedule
more worried about actually even getting the classes that i want since i can only start add classes under my 2nd major during the add drop period. 
did i mention that i also did not get my GEs to the waitlist? 
i am so fucked.

3:21 PM
its interesting how the first thing they do when they step into the doors of the house is rant.
shattering the silence and comfort that has been gently enveloping me all morning.
all the resolutions and mental notes to be nice and make an effort just evaporate into thin air with the ceaseless accusing, questioning and nagging that refuses to stay out of my ears...

sometimes i just feel like not coming back.
does that make me terrible?

Monday, July 10, 2006
6:03 PM
the weekend always seems to fly by too soon.
but i have had my share of smiles
and for that i am grateful.
i guess you simply just have to learn
to find joy in the simple things in life.

the most valuable gifts simply dont come in boxes
or on objects with price tags on them.

somewhere in my subconsciousness
i heard your voice
and i smiled just to know you were there.

Thursday, July 06, 2006
3:56 PM
its a thrilling and exhilarating feeling
weaving through traffic
feeling the wind rushing right at you as you accelerate
the roar of the engine in your ear

its the first.
but i am definitely hoping its not the last.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
12:45 PM

happy birthday babysister
i heart you

Monday, July 03, 2006
9:46 PM
"why cant now continue for ever?"
"perhaps thats all for ever is. Just one now after another. you can only try to live one now at a time. you cant worry too much about the last now or the next now."
-nicholas evans in the horse whisperer

you love them
but at the same time you absolutely detest them.
you get angry
but they get upset that you are pissed.
and you feel guilty cos you are made to feel unreasonable and demanding.
and you really do believe that it was your fault to begin with.

cant live with them
cant live without them

thank you

Sunday, July 02, 2006
11:51 AM
i guess what i miss most are the stars so carelessly littered across the sky
bright sparks glistening for all the world to see
smiling down on us just for me.
and you can actually hear the waves crashing against the shore in all their ferocity
and that sound just someone makes me feel a whole jumble of indiscrible feeling
but mostly for that brief i just feel at peace with the world
and i marvel at her immense beauty

sitting on the jetty with the faintest breeze on my skin
i hear laughter and chatter in the background but i am lost in my own world
in my own thoughts that play like a jumbled up movie sequence.

as i get older somehow i feel that i am increasingly unable to contain my emotions or mask my expressions as every feeling seems to be written across my face.
or maybe you are simply able to see me.
i watched rent last night and cried bucketloads.
movies never used to get to me that way.
or is it simply because as you grow older and experience more you are able to relate the scenes that are flashing in front of you on that flat screen to instances in your life
and those characters no longer become strangers but pieces of yourself.